About Us

Our Story

We started out with our founder Andi, who was so frustrated with not being able to locate a website through pages and pages of uncategorized, unfiltered, unanalyzed URLs and texts on Chrome’s default browser history that he decided to pull together a team and make something himself.

As the research and development progressed, he soon realized that TimeTrace could be so much more. What users really need is a personalized database that not only presents their day in an intuitive timeline but also analyzes their day for them based on their personal habits and usage activity. Users need a cross-platform product that truly embodies personalized, human-centered informational retrieval.

Our Mission

TimeTrace is a project that specializes in information recall by building users’ own personal databases while leveraging AI-augmented information retrieval. TimeTrace is currently a web extension that serves as a better browser history with features like website categorization, an analyzed history timeline, and an AI-assisted text body search for any browsed website.

We are working on cross-browser connection to help users retrieve and categorize information from emails, texts, online drives, online productivity and note-taking apps, and everything else digital, all while prioritizing user privacy. Through training our custom AI model using federated learning, we will continue to gather user insight and create better tools that serve users’ personal databases.

Our Team

Hi! I am Andi Liu. I study at MIT, majoring in Computer Science. https://andiliu.me

In my free time I enjoy blogging and building software.

Hi, I’m Helen, a junior studying computer science and math at MIT.

When I'm not hosed by problem sets, you'll find me taking random walks or jamming out to playlists shared by my friends.


Hi! I am Catherine. I study CS and anthropology at Princeton.

I'm deeply immersed in exploring the intersections of technology ethics, alignment, and HCI. Oh, and you'll likely find me cafe-hopping all over.


Hi, I’m Angela! I study math at MIT.

Love board games, food, and dance.


Hi! My name is Chengyuan and I study CS at MIT.

I am primarily interested in software performance engineering but I enjoy working on all kinds of random coding projects for fun! 


Hi, I’m Isabella! A bio-engineer + CS student at MIT who’s skilled at engineering my website bio.

Love equestrian and sci-fi. Daydreamer -- Come talk to me if you have any questions about Timetrace or life, and chances are I've pondered the same curiosities somewhere along the timeline.